NTPC Family

29-09-2022 | read

Adding flavor to the ongoing festivities like Navratri and Durga Puja Mahotsav , Swayamsiddha Ladies Club(SLC) , NTPC Coal Mining HQ, Ranchi organised a Navratri Daniya for the members.

The event was graced by Smt.Mahua Mazumder , President ,SLC along with senior committee members, committee members and members.The program begin with traditional puja and prayers to Goddess Durga.

On the occasion,Smt Mazumder greeted good wishes and prosperity to all members for the upcoming puja festivals,which was followed by the Dandiya night dance program.

The members were seen in their traditional colorful attire, enjoyed the festive mood and played dandiya. To make the event special, various competitions like Saree decoration etc. were organized which was participated by ladies club members.